Hello, this is Papa Joe, Scribe for the Cone Effect Theory:
I never was drawn to science fiction as a form of entertainment. Yet the more I get involved in the Cone Effect Theory, I find that it is far stranger than any sci-fi I could ever think of. Glenn is flabbergasted as well. And as we surf the net looking for clues to help us in this endeavor, we are even more astounded. So many different subjects relate directly or indirectly to The Cone Effect.
I find more scientists focussing on the idea that, in attempting to explain the origin of the universe, most conclude that there must be a basic, simple explanation. Like a small seed of a giant sequoia, in the simple seed is the whole "idea" of the tree. All the beauty of the tree is contained in one simple seed. Scientists believe, that in explaining the universe, there must be a Theory of Everything. This Theory must be simple, all-inclusive and contain within it all laws of the cosmos. It must be one simple, primal idea, the Mother of all ideas.
As I get involved in Cone Effect Theory research, I am amazed at how the Cones relate to every aspect of reality. I become more and more convinced that the Cone Effect Theory IS The Theory of Everything, the Mother Womb from which all manifestation takes place.
Glenn had this vision 28 years ago and has continued to pursue its purpose. He has meticulously read everything he could on the subject. Now we venture out into unchartered territory. We have no manual to guide us. It is a great adventure. We see the possibility that the Cone Effect may fulfill the dreams and wishes of mankind. If this happens, then we will be content.
Wormholes, black holes, warped space, time-travel, zero-point energy, unlimited power, Einstein-Rosen Bridge-call it what you will-they all refer to the same concept. It is the one missing link that scientists, philosophers and the like have talked about. How do we bridge the gap between Matter and Spirit? Can Spirit actually be manifested here in this third dimension? If the word spirit throws you off then how about negative universe, as suggested by Buckminster Fuller?
So we think we're on to something. Actually, we know we are on a very interesting venture- a venture that could very well be the missing link in science, and religion. That is why we consider the Cone Effect to be the answer to these pursuits. And as we surf the Internet and talk to people the wonder and amazement grows.
I apologize now to those who don't appreciate the spiritual agenda, but I must follow my heart. I find that The Cone Effect, in truth, has a very intimate relationship to what has been spoken of for centuries regarding the changes that will be manifested soon on Gaia, this our Mother Earth. The Christian Bible speaks of the "end times", "Armageddon", the war between good and evil. If you examine the American Indian prophesies, most speak of us soon going into another world- another dimension. The great Mayan calendar finishes its present spiralic cycle in the year 2012. Astrologers speak of the Aquarian Age- the age of sisterhood and brotherhood (yes, sisterhood comes before brotherhood- they deserve it)- an age of great spiritual, mental, and scientific advancement. In the last 100 years humankind has advanced (maybe) tremendously in scientific technology. But we have greatly "misused" this technology. Is our planet not at crisis? We need to re-evaluate our use (and misuse) of technology.
So are we mad scientists, half-cocked metaphysicians? We've thought that many times. We figure some of you probably will too. That's O.K. That's expected. But if you have the time, desire, vision and inkling to follow this Theory, you might be utterly amazed as we have been. Mathematically we have come up with that One Idea, that One Equation, the Mother equation, the Womb of all Creation. The equation is very simple. In fact, the equation is really just one symbol- one glyph- one picture from which all others are born. We seem to have satisfied the basic math that is needed to reflect cosmic law. We will discuss this glyph soon. Geometrically it couldn't get much better. I will address the issue of Sacred Geometry in more detail in the near future.
Could the Cone Effect have anything to do with consciousness raising- consciousness shift? Glenn and I strongly believe this is so. We will elaborate more on this as our work progresses here.
At the present time we are examining the part music has to play in The Cone Effect. For "In the beginning was the Word". Was this a word, a vibration, or maybe a sound? What language was it?. What is the true name (sound) of God? We are building the Cones according to universal law and primal mathematical structure which we will show later. We intend for the Cones to produce their own sound reflecting their structure and universal harmony, symmetry and balance. We anxiously anticipate what that sound will be, and what it will do.
Geometrically speaking, I have discovered that all the fields produced by the physical structure of the Cones allow for all the necessary geometric forms to be immediately present, allowing for all manifestations in this third dimensional reality. In studying the geometrical form of what happens at the center of the Cones, I find that a Star Tetrahedron is of principle significance. You know it as the Star of David. Metaphysicians call it the Merkaba. Of equal importance is what happens in the center of the Star of David. The Diamond Effect manifests there which is how light is first present in our world Surrounding the Diamond Effect is the Vesica Pisces, a form which is established by joining two spheres halfway through each other. This interesting diagram will be presented at a later time.
You may ask if it be morally prudent for us to attempt to raise the consciousness of the planet. A good question- one which Glenn and I have talked about from all angles. Isn't it true that our consciousness is changed everyday by what we see and hear from all the media? Medicine and food are offered to us. These affect us physically and mentally. Eat enough sugar and your consciousness could be changed. We feel the Cone Effect is true and right. It is being built on universal harmonics, the most basic and primal possible. Our minds are very open. We pursue this adventure with no thought of personal gain either financial or otherwise. We would be fools to take such a gift and throw it to the dogs. We do it knowing in our hearts that it is the right thing to do. Our intentions are to give to the world what we've all wanted to give all the time- PEACE. Peace means harmony, peace means love. Over the last 35,000 years or more we have experienced hatred, war and mental confusion. Enough is enough! That line of thought can only lead to one place- self-destruction. NOW it is time for a change.
I want to share with you something I found on the Internet last night and want to thank Metatron on "The Second Coming" for the message. Don't try to figure it out with your brain. Use your heart.
"To those who have brought the Christ grids in, who have brought the Christ consciousness into the center of the Earth and around the Earth, who assisted in the coming, the Second coming of the Christ upon Earth... and (this time it is the very Earth itself). And the new Earth will draw to it all things to become one with it again, as if it draws all matter to it and in the time of the transition of the body the angels will reach into the center of the Earth and flip it inside out. This means anti-matter which is angelic realm force will reach in and touch the heart of matter itself and the combustion will transform matter into light and such will be the birth of the light body of the Earth and of all those beings thereupon it at that time. It is a glorious time. Rally your forces. Hold tight to your visions (we're doing that). Continue your good work. Do not give up now! This is the time of the turning, of the joining, of the union of all creation back into itself into the very heart of the Mother and Father once again. Would you miss it? Not in a million, billion of your years. You are pre-destined to walk among mankind in this time and to celebrate the transition of matter into light, polarity into unity. And so it is! And so it will be!"
When I read this paragraph to Glenn we both thought, "They are speaking to us!" We believe that we are involved in bringing the Christ grids into planet earth. The Cone Effect may indeed bring matter and anti-matter together. Matter will be transformed and the Light Body of Mother Earth will shine brilliantly for all of us to see and feel. We are definitely "holding tight" to the Vision. How could we not! For if the Cone Effect has something to do with aligning matter, transforming it to a new vibration, then we will be content. Metatron speaks of transforming matter into light. The heart of the Cone Effect is the manifestation of the Diamond Effect which will be the borning place for Spirit to manifest where the electro-magnetic fields necessary to manifest third dimensional reality will also appear. As for polarity coming into unity, the Cone Effect is a perfect way for this to happen.
As we progress in our venture, we will keep you posted as to our discoveries. We want to share it with you. Many scientists and philosophers throughout the ages have talked about the Cone Effect Theory. We are happy to say that we are actually doing it- building it- experimenting with it! The Vision was specifically given to one man- a man who had the wherewithal to believe, follow and put the vision into physical form. Glenn asks for no recognition, but I feel, after working with him for the past six months, that he deserves it. Stay tuned!
Enjoy the ride! More soon!