- As humankind
approaches the convergence of many great cycles, we wonder what
lies ahead at this great juncture. We are approaching a New Age.
The great Mayan cycle of 5200 years quickly approaches its terminus.
Many sources, both scientific and spiritual, have spoken of great
changes that are to be expected in this coming Great Cycle. And
yet we still have wars and rumours of wars. Mankind totters between
utter hopelessness and promises of a world filled with Light
and Love.
Science and religion have for ages fought
against each other. Great men and women have worked tirelessly
for the fruition and joining of the scientist and mystic. We
are now at the threshold of a new paradigm. It is the time for
matter and spirit to be realized as One. This can only be accomplished
by bridging the gap between these seeming two opposite realities.
The Bridge, the Antakarana must include within itself both matter
and spirit.
We offer the CONE EFFECT as the true
Bridge that will in effect bring spirit and matter together.
We take no credit for this reality as it was given to a man in
a vision from the Higher Realms. We intend to show that the CONE
EFFECT contains within itself all that is or ever will be. For
it may allow, among other things, the Essence of the Creator
to be manifest here in this third dimensional reality.
- We intend
to prove this mathematically, scientifically, geometrically,
and spiritually. For if it is truly the Bridge, then it
must satisfy all these disciplines.
- We give
honor and respect to the worlds scientists and theologians who
have envisioned throughout history this Effect in their dreams.
And yet the dream is no longer a dream.
CONE EFFECT is here.
- Additional Information
Any questions or comments? Please email
us at: coneeffect@thegrid.net