On October 7, l970, a very unusual vision was given to a young 23 year old man. It was so strange and fascinating that it changed his life forever.

     As a young boy, Glenn spent a great deal of his time exploring the universe around him.  Science and chemistry became his passion. His desire to know the answers to the universe has stayed with him throughout his life. He knew about orthodox scientific knowledge. Yet, he kept his mind open to new inquiry. He studied Einstein and his theories of general and special relativity. Nikola Tesla also caught his attention. Glenn was also well versed in engineering and mechanics, as he was always building something with his hands.  What was this vision that changed Glenn's life so radically? Let him tell you in his own words. "I was standing in a room at my friend's house in the city talking about something. I can't remember what. All of a sudden, I heard a hugh click (as though someone had engaged a gigawatt of power) followed by a blinding flash of light. When the light dissipated, I found myself floating through space. In front of me I saw two cone-shaped objects nose to nose. As I got closer, I floated around to the one on my right towards the large end. Suddenly, I began to be pulled into the cone.  I realized I could not stop the force.  As I travelled down the inside of the cone towards the small end, all I could see was a wall of light in front of me. As I approached the wall of light, I thought I was actually going to die. At this point I surrendered my will and just relaxed, as everything that was happening to me was out of my control. When I hit the wall of light, I came out the large end of the other cone feet first and was projected all the way down to the earth, into the city, through the building and into the room where I was standing, and back into my own body. Having re-entered my body again, I could see my hands coming up towards the sides of my head. My legs had buckled under me and as I hit the floor on my knees, my hands finally grasped my head.

    I turned, looked at my friend, and said in astonishment, "You should have seen what I just saw!" The entire vision lasted about one second. Yet it seemed about 20 minutes in psychological time. In the split second that it took for the vision to happen, I also saw nine other visions after I had re-entered my body, before I had hit the floor."

     When Glenn was given the vision, he was told that if he didn't want to fulfill the vision, all he had to do was tell anybody what he had just seen. If he did want to complete the vision, he was to tell no one. Shortly thereafter, he took off travelling throughout the southwest for approximately two years visiting Indian tribes and seeking knowledge wherever his heart took him.

     It wasn't until two years later, when he moved up into the mountains of northern California, that he became friends with a young man who was soon to reveal to him the same vision that he had had. Glenn felt, at this time, that he could share the vision with his friend. Over the next ten years they were able to figure out the mathematics and the basic theory of how to construct the Cone Effect.

     Sometime in l986, Glenn connected up with a computer expert and electronics engineer. In the course of their conversations about zero-point energy, Glenn told his friend the theory of the Cone Effect. Glenn and his friend immediately started working together to build the Cone Effect in physical form.. They used computers to model the Cones. His friend set about designing electronics which were necessary to create the fields required by Cone Effect Theory. They continue to work closely together on this fascinating project.

     In 1983 I came into Glenn's life. We lived in the same area in the California Sierra Nevadas. Being a minister and priest of the Order of Melchizedek, Glenn and his future wife asked me to perform their marriage ceremony. I was soon thereafter exposed to Glenn's Cone Theory. Not knowing hardly anything about science, I didn't think much of the theory. But as the months and years passed, I began to notice that certain spiritual and scientific-spiritual writers were talking about the Cones either directly or in some indirect way. I began then to pay more attention to the Theory. I read about wormholes, warped-space, singularities, dimensional shifts and so on. Many of the writers who dealt with the millennium and related subjects spoke of a consciousness shift from the third to the fourth dimension. I learned about the geometry of space and matter and saw how the Cones themselves contained all the necessary geometry of the cosmos. I saw how magnetic fields could be utilized.

     Today, 28 years after Glenn's vision, I find myself having been asked by him to be the Scribe and research assistant of the Cone Effect Theory, to be presenting to the world the story and the progress that we are making in our experiments with the Cones. As we surf through the Internet, we find that both of us are amazed at how much information there is out there that directly relates to Cone Effect Theory. The information in Cone Effect Theory covers areas in the fields of relativity, science, mathematics, geometry, metaphysics and much more.

     It is our intention, as we progress in this magnum opus, to explore all the physical and metaphysical disciplines. Glenn strongly feels that the Cone Effect contains within Itself all the areas of creation both physical and spiritual.

     One of the most difficult challenges in my life has been to bridge the gap between spirit and matter. If we are truly going to grow in consciousness, we must be able to show how spirit and matter connect. We believe that the Cone Effect is the Bridge that brings matter and spirit into our three dimensional world. It is a great adventure for us as we have no role-models to follow, no books to guide us, and very few who would understand the principle and its application. We hope this information will both fire and inspire you, our readers, to join us in this most exciting, wonderful, uplifting adventure.

    Come join us now into the new world of the Cone Effect Theory. We hope that you will begin to see, in the Cone Effect, the connections between science and religion, matter and spirit. We intend to cover a myriad of subjects in this thesis. I, personally, have been studying these subjects for the past 30 years and now will present them to you as best I can.

Enjoy this journey! The Cone Effect is here!